I'm attempting to recreate ( and use for backtesting ) the following RSI screen / filter (?) which can be found here http://rsi.caracommunity.com/RSIApp/RSIApp.html
This RSI app shows the RSI for a security in 3 time periods; 7 day rsi, 7 week rsi & 7 month RSI ( i believe / think the days, weeks, months are different data sets .) I'm trying to recreate this in WL5 - I'm not sure if i can accomplish this using 'rules' or if it needs a programming approach...?
Many thanks in advance for thoughts, tips, suggestions.
It's not a "Strategy Wizard" type of thing (not a strategy). Unfortunately, there's currently a bug in Version 5 when switching scales more than once. Here's the idea, but with the Monthly scale switch commented out. Just click one symbol in your WatchList to run it. Make sure that you have
at least 105 daily bars loaded to generate the 7-week RSI in order to
stabilize the RSI.
Please log in to see this code.
Cone - thanks so much for the info / feedback..... what's the best way, if at all, to cut / copy the
'code' you suggeted into a ' new strategy from code ' ?
what's the best way, if at all, to cut / copy the 'code' you suggeted into a ' new strategy from code ' ?
Just copy this code and paste, overwriting the default template in its entirety.