Do we have the VFI indicator for WLP 6? I notice references to it in a search, but they all seem to be examples for WL4. Here's the code for WL4: was finally getting around to reading an article in TASC July 2011 on comparing money flow indicators. VFI seemed to be one of the better performers; although it was also designed by the author. I wanted to try it out.
No, we don't have it coded.
Thanks Eugene.
Since this is a TASC indicator we might need to put it in our queue for later.
tasc, tasc, (i.e. tsk, tsk) why put off for tomorrow what you could do today? ;-)
No problem. I might give a shot at it for myself. If I get something decent, I'll share.
This is my stab at porting the VFI indicator from WL4. I used it with the sample code for the TASC article "Comparing Seven Money Flow Indicators" in the July 2011 issue.
Please log in to see this code.
Thanks Tim. It's now in the hands of our TASC wizard ;)
Good. It needs some fixing. I didn't name some of those DataSeries but I used some standard indicators (StdDev and EMA) and did some DataSeries math. The Bars.Cache may have some bizzare entries as a result that could cause some problems. Oops. I guess it wasn't share ready. ;-)
[CHANGE: Fixed logic above by naming DataSeries using a prefix and the series description.]
Do you know when this might be added to the TASC indicators? I didn't see it in the latest release.
Now I know: in v2018.05 VFI will appear in TASCIndicators. Thanks Tim.
Better late than never! :)